It was a wonderful Saturday evening when we went to church...
And after service. We had LOK LOK!!...
Those that didn't come sad la..
It was good though... I think i got sick after a couple of sticks....
After eating for awhile...
Stacey: I'm sick of eating there anything else to eat?
Jolene: Yeah... me also.. I want to eat other balls.. (totally oblivious of what she just said)
Everyone at the table: HA?! WHAT?! (LOL!)
At that time Christian came to our table... and we told him about what Jolene said...this was his reply...
Christian: CHECK OUT MY BALL!! (referring to the meat ball stick he was holding)
No I'm not being sick...Tsk.. =P
After that we kinda had some random games and such. (Which honestly i didn't have a real great time in) but anyway.. We went for some loh. Stacey had some Yea"loh", Amanda had some work"loh", i had some sei"loh", angel was random"loh", chris had what"loh"... yeah hahahaha.. we were a bit gila-loh. :)
BUT... that DID NOT satiate our taste buds. We craved for more... Well, im saying that for myself. WE WENT FOR STARBUX... i mean StarBUCKS!