Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Penang Story =P

Totally understand the cringing and nail biting update that this blog requires heh. 

(pictures are spread out sporadically to make the post nicer =P)

ITS BEEN FOUR MONTHS! So i apologize... (hears all of you sing.. "its too late to apologize... its too late"... 

I'll be updating this
 tomorrow.. Sorting out all my pictures. yes i have a WHOLE LOT. Send me PICTURES IF YOU HAVE PLEASE!

ANYWAY... heh heh..

Happened on the ... can't remember... someone please comment =P. But in any case, we HAD A LOAD OF FUNS (yes spelling error intended). So, what did we do??

It was planned that we meet up at church or something early in the morning, i think we talked about 5 or 6 in the morning. Which of course didn't happen lah. Due to... unfor... sleeping circumstances, and a funny event.

More on the funny event, I picked stacey and jo up. AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!?! I thought i lost the shell card (a gasoline card that church gives when we get the van). SUPER PANIC MAN! Tried searching all over the van for it, went BACK HOME for it. Grace told me she didn't wanna go, so it was quite an opportunity for Stace and Jo to "encourage" her to come. Sadly, she was immovable. Literally, :P. And FINALLY AFTER my 93 year old GRANDMA's BRILLIANT idea of a torchlight. WE FOUND IT! YAY! (it was slipped in between the seat and the buckle for the safety-belt ..)

So after that we met up and Prisgi... i mean Priscilla's place. And headed off. 
The 5 hour or so journey was not so eventful... yeah no blowing up of cars, highjacking, shoot-outs, carpet bombing, sabo-ing, end of the world kinda thing which includes UFO's.. (pronounced "oooofohs"). Ah well. We DID have a cinematic moment with LORD of the RINGS soundtrack whilst traveling through some mountains. That was about it.

Fast Forward >>

Arrived there and checked in, stashed our stuff in the rooms then headed out for lunch. Where did we go ah... Gurney drive or something right? O_o? Hahaha.. I can't remember!!! Oh noes.. Wait.. 

Yes! (writing this after the bananaboat thingy).. I rememba! We went to eat char kuay teow.. wah that rocked man.. Then went for more random food which i realllly cannot remember now.. 

Well.. =P, we ate then WE WENT TO THE BEACH.. yeah that rocked. Only reason i went to penang anyway. heh heh heh. We went on the banana boat, volleyball.. beach volleyball. FRIZBEE, and other random things.. Like pulling people into the water and "Spot THE JELLY" gameshow. All in all, funniest moment was...

"On the banana boat.." (brrrrrrrr. engine sound, with the wind on your face...) Then suddenly the boat stops... And we're all going "huh?" We looked to the last seat on the banana boat and we noticed.. "Where did Priscilla go??" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... yeah she fell off during the ride somewhere. Good fun.

After all that was DINNER. Well i thought KL food was better =P.

Fast Forward >>

Priscilla's birthday.... yeah it was pretty random, we had a sabo? Did we? And uh. yeah presentation and cake! =). Too bad noone took a group photo. tskkkk.. all wanna eat the fondu and cake only... 

Fast Forward>>
Next morning...
AWESOME DAY MAN this one... i was like WHOA. Too bad I didn't take a photo of the view from the balcony.. it was Awesomeeeeeeee. Clear skies, good breeze and BEACH! And thats what we did... 

Chris went on the parachute thingy, paragliding? And went with Angel on the jetski. Haha that was a funny story too. Shermayne (spelling correction pls) lost her cap or something and they found it in the middle of the sea during their jetski session. AHaha.. how cool is that??

Fast Forward >>
Had lunch at some mega hawker centre or whatever its called. That was good. Cheap and good. Tried a whole ton of stuff. Walked the "mall" or whats of it and we headed home.

Some trip huh? =)

Great times..

Next update soon!

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